How does $550 a year in dues compare to other communities around us?
Communities located between Landing blvd and Bay Area Blvd. on the South side of 518 and their HOA dues
Cedar Landing | $ 250 / ANNUALLY |
Clear Creek Meadows | $ 300 / ANNUALLY |
Rustic Oaks | $ 355 / ANNUALLY |
Claremont Park | $ 425 / ANNUALLY |
Villages of Oak Creek Colony | $ 550 / ANNUALLY |
How will this affect your resell?
Buyers that are looking for homes will usually shop around neighborhoods that are of like kinds, this means that they will shop by sq ft, community, amenities, price, and cost of living.
Compare the VOCC to Adjacent Communities
When you compare our community with the others that are located between Landing Blvd. and Bay Area Blvd., you can see that we are the most expensive in terms of HOA dues. When you compare the amenities of the surrounding communities, our community is right in line with some and not others.
The VOCC has a community pool, a public path, a playground and a green space. These are the things that make our community desirable.
Rustic Oaks
Rustic Oaks has a Swimming pool, Public path, multiple playgrounds, Basketball Court, a public park (with Tennis courts and soccer fields), and a green space. Their dues are $355 a year.
The cost of living in Rustic oaks is now $200 a year cheaper than the VOCC and Rustic Oaks has more amenities.
Claremont Park
Claremont park has a swimming pool, Green spaces, private paths, and playground.
The cost of living in Claremont park is now $125 cheaper a year than the VOCC and has about the same amenities.
At $550 a year in Dues, The VOCC is now categorized with larger communities.
The VOCC is now placed in competition with West Over Park and Magnolia Creek. How do we compare to those Communities?
West Over Park
West Over Park has 5.5 acres of recreation that includes a rec center, soccer field, multiple playgrounds, ponds, paths, green spaces, and a great pool with many amenities.
The HOA dues in West Over Park are $650.
Magnolia Creek
Magnolia Creek is a master planned community that is complete with Pool with great amenities and a Golf Course.
Should the VOCC be in the same category as these other communities that have so many more or better amenities?
Will this raise in dues have an effect on your resell value? Time will tell.
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