Friday, April 3, 2015

League City Hike & Bike Update!

Most of the residents of the VOCC have noticed that all of the construction on the new League City Hike and Bike Trail has stopped.

Driving through the community, you can see that the silt fence that outlines the easement is deteriorating and the stakes that mark the easement are broken or missing.There are piles of debris in the green spaces.

The back area where the concrete is laid, is experiencing some drainage issues.

We asked League City for an update.

The city stated that the hold up was mostly due to weather. They are gathering more information from the contractors on what needs to be completed. They will have more information next week with a definite time line.

As a result, the city sent out workers to gather information for the time line! Members talked to the city workers on site. The workers stated that they believe that they should be done with the entire trail before May 1,2015, however that is not an official response.

It appears from what is submitted below Lucas construction will complete and out of the neighborhood by the end of the month weather permitting.  Bobby attached a number of pictures that he shared with Lucas to get issues addressed immediately and number of photos from the completed trail area.

I also know that John Lothrop is working with the HOA to address irrigation, electrical and landscaping issues not addressed by TxDOT during their 518 access management project at the entrance to the neighborhood.  Unfortunately when working with TxDOT they will not address non roadway improvements that encroach into the public right-of-way and we are responsible to get those issues addressed after TxDOT has completed their work.  We have had a number of conversations with the HOA management company and are working through those issues to the satisfaction of the HOA and hope to have the  electrical and irrigation issues also addressed.


To reply to Mr. Robertson’s issues we offer the following:

1)      The contractor has identified areas where the drainage has been affected by the construction of the trails. The contractor has excess soil materials stockpiled at street intersections that will be used to fill and  fine dress the areas with drainage concerns
2)      The silt fences will be removed within areas where vegetation has already been adequately established (Waverly Canyon to  Canyon Crest) and the silt fence will be reinforced in areas still under construction (recreation center to FM 518)
3)      The stockpiles of concrete and wood debris will be removed at the street intersections and the excess soil material will be spread in the low depressed areas of the green space. Once the excess soil material is distributed the areas will be hydro-mulched.
4)      Attached is the tree preservation/protection plan. The tree protection plan includes the removal of 10 tallow trees and 1 ash tree which directly conflict with the location of the trail. These trees will not be replaced.
5)      The removal bollards at the street intersections are intended to prohibit/discourage the use of the trails by motor vehicles. They are removable to permit tractor mowing, maintenance vehicles and emergency vehicles.
6)      The debris that was blocking the recreation center parking was removed yesterday, April 2nd.
7)      The Parks Department has already procured a contract for manicure mowing and trimming each side of the trail; up to 10 feet wide on each side.

Lucas Construction has committed to remobilize and begin work on the VOCC trail by Monday, April 6th ,and; complete the concrete and clean-up work by May 1st. It is our understanding that the swimming pool does not open for the season until Memorial Weekend when we should be long gone. 

Did you vote for the New Trail? Click here to take our League City Hike and Bike Survey! 

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ABOUT VOCC PROUD: VOCC Proud is made up of volunteers of this community and is funded by donations. VOCC Proud is a neighborhood association, not a homeowner's association (HOA). VOCC Proud's main goal is to help keep property values in the Village of Oak Creek Colony high. This site is for information purposes only and is not associated with, sanctioned by or managed by The Village of Oak Creek Colony Home Owners Association.